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Video streaming

Our responsibility during the event is not only the rental of quality equipment, mounting services, but also smooth live video broadcasting.

A great addition to an event? Nice “reinforcement”? For any larger project, video streaming is already necessary rather than just beneficial. After all, the goal is to satisfy the viewer, make him admire, keep his attention.

But how to do it?..

To achieve this goal, it is important to ensure that the viewer can easily follow the entire course of the event even when they are a few hundred meters away.

Good visibility, interactivity – necessary conditions. But that’s just one part. Another element is creative solutions, video mixing. VJ services provided by Videoprojektai LT will help you here. For professionals in their field working at the control panel, video streaming becomes a synonym for a wide range of options:

  • It is a tool for effective visual manipulation
  • Also a tool for mixing 3D graphics
  • Video streaming is necessary to reach a wide audience
  • The opportunity (and necessity) to emphasize the essential highlights of the performance

Whether it’s a concert or another event, professional VJ services are what every organizer needs. In this regard, Videoprojektai LT team is always at your service!

Professional video cameras, the best video operators and other Videoprojektai LT equipment ensure high-quality video signal, broadcasting and control directly to LED and projection screens!


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By providing the highest quality LED screen and projector rental services, we will creatively implement the boldest and most original technical solutions. Mesmerizing the viewer is the competence of Videoprojektai LT, which has already become our business card.

If you need flawless, creative and engaging video streaming solutions, contact us now. And we will find a solution that will appeal to both you and your viewer.

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